WEBINAR: Using org charts to make awesome HR reports
Reporting’s always been a big responsibility for HR and Payroll. Whether it’s just a quarterly headcount or something more complex like workplace diversity statistics, spreadsheets and PowerPoint can...
View ArticleHow Curtin University used org charts to restructure their workforce
Mitch Carre, Manager, HR Systems at Curtin University, is no stranger to the challenges an organisational restructure creates. He’s kindly agreed to share his experience using the org charting tool,...
View ArticleHow PZ Cussons use org charting tools for workforce planning
PZ Cussons is a major manufacturer of personal healthcare products and consumer goods with a global reach, though its main focus is in Africa, Asia and Europe. Headquartered in England, PZ Cussons has...
View ArticleCleaning out the closet: How to deal with Dirty Data
Coming from the CAD industry, where not using the latest design technology ensures you will fall far behind, the HR industry in comparison seems to be more reluctant to adopt new technologies for...
View Article5 Biggest Mistakes in HR
There are 5 commonly repeated mistakes made by HR departments on an almost daily basis. These mistakes cost businesses precious time and resources, however can be easily resolved with a review of...
View ArticleThe 5 Steps to a Strong Salary Structure
Salary expenditure can often be hard to accurately track and manage. Having a strong salary structure and using software to identify problem areas can afford companies more resources to dedicate to...
View ArticleOrgPlus & Planning@Work Brisbane User Group
During this cold, cold Melbourne winter, we’ve been getting a bit jealous of our Brisbane customers. That’s why we’ve decided to pay you a visit! Brisbane OrgPlus & Planning@Work User Group...
View ArticleWEBINAR: Plan & Model your organisation like a pro with Planning@Work v12
With Planning@Work release 12 now live, we thought it was time to show you how to use all the awesome new modelling features now available! This is the perfect webinar for anyone currently using or...
View Article4 ways Holacracy could put org charts in a spin (Part 1)
There has been a league of digital ink spilled over holacracy since Zappos adopted the practice in 2013, but to summarise, Holacracy is a management style that replaces a traditional, hierarchical...
View ArticleWEBINAR: Modelling What if Scenarios with Planning@Work – Sept 16
Planning@Work is a great tool for planning your current workforce structure. It can also be used to plan future workplace structures in your organisation. Various ‘What If?’ situations can be modelled...
View ArticleAdding a top hat to restructure your organisation like Google
Google caused a stir in the news and on social media this week, when it revealed it will become a wholly owned subsidiary of a new parent company, Alphabet. The reason behind Alphabet is to diversify...
View Article4 ways holacracy could put org charts in a spin (Part 2 of 2)
Here’s part 2 of our series on Holacracy. This post will look at job descriptions and accountability in a holacratic organisation. Employees control their responsibilities in a holacratic organisation...
View ArticleBad data threatens to stop HR analytics dead in its tracks
Source: Roman Soto The relevance of HR analytics is threatened if human resources professionals rely on bad data to make strategic decisions. People analytics is a new concept in the world of HR. You...
View ArticleWorkforce modelling vs HR analytics
Navigo recently sent out an email campaign on the benefits of workforce modelling. Grant has been busy keeping up with the overwhelming response from HR pro’s who are looking to become Modelling...
View Article3 ways the internet of things will change HR
Source: Mike The internet of things uses data to make informed decisions, automating parts of our everyday life. Everything from our morning routines to the way we work will be affected. “The Internet...
View ArticleSuccession Planning is the most important module in org charting
Succession planning is the best tool to grow your employees and retain your top performers I’ve spent the last 18 months reading and writing about the latest thinking on HR. All my reading on HR...
View ArticleWEBINAR: Create and update org charts automagically with Planning@Work
How long does it take you to create an org chart for one department? Now- how long would it take you to create an org chart for your entire organisation? If it takes longer than ‘no time at all’, this...
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